Brilliant Minds Academy (BMA)

A homeschool with a big heart within the reach of the community for children with learning challengers and typical learners. 

An inclusion set-up
Embrace Neurodiversity
Beyond Academics
Dedicated teachers
Care & Sense of Belonging
Holistic Development
Message from the Principal

BMA started as an IGCSE learning centre and has evolved into a comprehensive training and coaching facility. We provide a nurturing environment for children transitioning from Early Intervention Programs. Our focus is on holistic development, fostering acceptance, love, and care. With experience in the corporate world and raising a differently-abled daughter, I understand the challenges parents are facing, and for that, I am dedicated to helping children with learning challenges to thrive. At Brilliant Minds Academy, we balance academics with creativity, helping the child to discover their gifting and reach their full potential.

– Madam Rosalind Khoo –

Why Choose BMA?

Committed to supporting students in their learning journey.
A champion who can understands them, that they can become the best version of themselves.

Self-paced, Based on ability instead of Age

Small Class for Better teacher-Student Attention

Tapping on Talent and Gifting

Customized Learning & Progress Monitoring

Teacher Parents' Collaboration

What We Offer

At BMA, we are dedicated to nurturing the potential of our future generation. At BMA, we stand as a beacon of comprehensive education, going beyond conventional learning to cultivate holistic growth experiences for the students. Our services is built upon a philosophy that centers around fostering not only on academic but also artistic flair, ethical behavior, and character development. We believe in empowering students to become well-rounded individuals equipped to navigate the challenges of the modern world.  


Students always look forward to Friday, a non-academic day. It is the day where PE, Creative Art & Character Building are conducted. Art is a powerful form of self-expression and can improve social skills when it is done as a group project.

Cultural Appreciation

The 3 main festivals (CNY, Raya, Diwali) are celebrated in BMA to bring about the appreciation of cultural differences & heritage; the importance of unity in a multifaceted country needs to be instilled from young.

Field Trips

Out of classroom learning; providing students with hands-on experience, allowing them to gain practical knowledge, strengthening their observation and sensory skills as well in fostering better communication and friendship.

Achievers Day

It is an annual event for all students, a day dedicated to recognize good achievers and a platform for students to show case their non-academic talents/gifting.


Exposure to music, like learning to play a musical instrument, or taking voice lessons, strengthens a particular set of academic and social-emotional skills that are essential to learning especially for students with learning challenges.

Life Skills

Living skills make life easier and lead to more independence, social opportunities, and self-care.


Physical Education (PE) is not only about physical activity; it gives students the opportunity to socialize with schoolmates and develop social skills such as empathy, communication, tolerance, trust and respect for others.

Customized Support

Customized learning for learners that require the additional help for better understanding.

What Motivates A Child To Learn?

“Shy and introvert when first enter the school. Along the way with guidance from teachers and new found friendship, he has changed for the better and at the same time, coping well in study. He was inspired in one of the annual achievement concert when he saw a few band mates performing and was intrigued with the guitar. BMA constant support in creative art had given my son the courage to learn music and today, he is at his happiest playing his guitar especially when jamming with his band mates. Music has opened a new whole world for him. This would not have been possible if we did not connect with BMA."
Parent of an Autistic Child (age 16)
“For the last 5 years, I have been looking for a school that is suitable for my son. Whenever he is not able to fit in, I will be very disappointed. One day, someone recommended BMA. My first impression was “what a welcoming school!”; my son & me were greeted by 2 very friendly young kids. It’s a small set up with positive vibes. Children of all ages interact and participate together in all events / activities and a strong sense of care for one another. As a parent, nothing can be happier knowing my son is in good hands and more importantly, my son has friends, feels accepted and he is happy.”
Parent of austistic child (age 12)
“My daughter has been diagnosed with GDD and has always been lagging her peers. Her child development Doctor advised to go for homeschooling instead of public school for her academic learning and hence, BMA. Apart from academic, BMA has sparked her interest in music when she took up drum lessons at the homeschool. From there, she discovered her gifting and today, she is happily pursuing her music concurrently sitting for IGCSE.”
Parent of a slow learner (age 19)

Achievers Day 2024

Brilliant Minds Academy

Annual Awards

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